object storage

Unbeatable combo: Scalable & affordable object storage

Easily store and share large amounts of data with Object Storage. Use a storage bucket for files and the included Content Delivery Network (CDN) to access them faster and cheaper. Enjoy faster page loads, improved performance, and save on infrastructure and bandwidth costs.

Object Storage Tour
Lyrid streamlines managing unstructured data, including content assets and storage, with cost-effective solutions that make life easier.
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Store endless amounts of data

Securely store and effortlessly access your data in the cloud. Experience lightning-fast file transfers while simplifying the management of unstructured data, content assets, and memory-intensive workloads.

RapidDeploy Database

Deploy a production-ready database quickly and easily using the Lyrid Cloud Manager, API, or CLI. Our simple and fast deployment process allows you to get started in no time.

Secure Data Hub

Keep your backup files, database dumps, logs, and massive data sets safe and accessible. With Lyrid's Object Storage, you can store critical data with confidence.

BackupHero Database

Protect your data with daily backups included in our service. Our automated backup system takes a snapshot of your data every 24 hours.

Growth Companion

Lyrid Object Storage is S3 compatible, making it a globally-available storage solution that maintains the same level of performance as your data grows.

No Servers Required

Simplify data management and cut costs with Lyrid Object Storage—store and access your data effortlessly through API or web interface, no need for dedicated servers or virtual machines.

Website Support

Deploy your site and manage content effortlessly with Lyrid's Object Storage. Ideal for those who want to host a website without maintaining their own infrastructure.

Lyrid makes cloud computing..





Global availability

Customizable data center regions: optimized for you.

Global Storage
With data centers located around the world, you can choose the location that best suits your business needs and enjoy faster data transfer speeds. Our solution ensures data compliance and sovereignty, giving you peace of mind that your data is secure.
Object storage buckets

Create object storage buckets with ease

Express Bucket
Say goodbye to the pain of manually creating and configuring object storage buckets. Our solution eliminates complex setup and configuration, saving you time. With beginner-friendly platform, you can create object storage buckets quickly and easily, without the risk of errors or misconfigurations.
Organize data

Organize your data and find what you need quickly

folder flow
Organizing files in object storage can be a challenge, but our solution offers an easy way to manage large volumes of data. With Lyrid, users can create a clear organizational structure to locate and manage their files efficiently, without the risk of data loss.

Explore more product tours

Indie hackers to SaaS founders— love the intelligence and simplicity of our products. Take a quick, self-guided tour to see for yourself.

customer success story
How Aido Health Cut 58% Per Year in Cloud Spend and Reduced Platform Engineering Effort Using Lyrid
“We want to fully utilize our machine clusters at Lyrid to increase our cost savings in the long run compared to what we ran in Google, as based on our calculations, our spending at Lyrid will scale linearly.”
$82k saved on AWS
Aido’s switch to containerized apps and microservices unlocked new revenue streams.
Read the case study→