infrastructure automation

Intelligent infrastructure for platform engineers

Focus on customer problems, not infrastructure. From automating deployment to self-service Kubernetes, Lyrid is your perfect developer platform ready to scale with you.

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no-code internal developer portal
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Focus on innovation, not infrastructure.

The next evolution of developer productivity is here. Empower your platform engineering journey with Lyrid’s self serve infrastructure automation tools.
Deploy instant environments

Rapidly deploy infrastructure environments in minutes with Lyrid’s premade templates

Optimize cloud costs

Get better price-to-performance ratio than what's offered by big cloud providers

Scale as you grow

Start building with or without a Kubernetes cluster and scale  - without changing your code.

simplify devops

Say goodbye to the complexities of designing, building and maintaining infrastructure

Platform reliability

Empower your organization with a robust and secure cloud infrastructure, fully managed for you

built for scale

Empower your teams to build engaging customer experiences at a fraction of the cost and time

customer success story
How Aido Health Cut 58% Per Year in Cloud Spend and Reduced Platform Engineering Effort Using Lyrid
“We want to fully utilize our machine clusters at Lyrid to increase our cost savings in the long run compared to what we ran in Google, as based on our calculations, our spending at Lyrid will scale linearly.”
$82k saved on AWS
Aido’s switch to containerized apps and microservices unlocked new revenue streams.
Read the case study→
“ Business, portability and interoperability have always been key considerations. We are expanding the ecosystem of P3iD software using Lyrid for our clients cloud environments without any vendor specific dependencies.”
Kevin Neal
CEO, P3iD Technologies
Developers self-serve the tech and tools they need to deploy and operate their apps independently. No more waiting times
Benefit from automated deployments, stable ready-to-deploy environments, and Lyrid’s platform orchestrator. Configurations are auto-generated for every deployment.
Define  your application and infrastructure configuration once and have them standardized across your entire organization .
Optimize your delivery setup against Lyrid’s configuration templates. Accelerate the workflows for your entire platform team.
intelligent automation

Achieve months of DevOps work in a single click

Say goodbye to the time-consuming and complex process that involves designing the architecture, setting up servers and databases, configuring networking and security, managing code repositories, and writing and testing infra code. Lyrid’s automation tools lets you deploy robust architecture with ease.

frictionless features

Developer productivity,

Experience the next evolution in developer productivity with Lyrid's intelligent tools. Say goodbye to friction and hello to seamless, self-service development. With Lyrid, platform engineers can reduce their cognitive load, as our platform automates and provides the following:

One-Click Infrastructure
Easily Initialize all of your infrastructure databases and inject them with local data, with just one click.
Seamless Sign-On
Our Single-Sign-On service seamlessly integrates with your existing authentication systems, making it easier than ever for users to log in securely.
With our Front-end & Back-end Microservice Services, you get the best of both worlds - a powerful, flexible architecture for your application, with the simplicity and agility of microservices.
Total Data Security
Rest easy knowing that your data is safe with Lyrid's tenant isolation feature, which prevents cross-contamination between tenants.
Swift Application Development
Develop your applications quickly and efficiently with Lyrid's range of Software Development Kits (SDKs).
Service Catalog
Keep your services organized and easily discoverable with Lyrid's user-friendly interface.
Instant Build Templates
Quickly and easily initialize our build templates and machines, so you can start coding right away.
Managed Kubernetes
Onboard the same Kubernetes cluster into the environment generated, and consumed by the developer's platform itself, making it easy to manage and scale your applications.
Lyrid's observability feature gives you real-time insights into your applications, so you can quickly diagnose and resolve any issues that arise.

Support from your first idea, to your millionth customer.

Grow your startup with powerful and easy-to-use cloud infrastructure, cut your monthly cloud bills in half, plus these and other benefits:

Infrastructure credits

Cloud consulting

IT services

Engineering & marketing support

View Program Brief
Start in 3 easy steps
Migrate existing project to Lyrid
Migrate apps to Lyrid, regardless of whether you already have a Kubernetes cluster or not. Onboard existing Kubernetes clusters or hold off until later when you need to - all while keeping your code unchanged.
Get started with Minikube or K3s
Quickly start building your applications on Lyrid's developer platform with lightweight Kubernetes solutions like Minikube or K3s, eliminating the need for extensive hardware or infrastructure setup.
Elevate your platform engineering
Access all the automation tools and resources you need to build, deploy, and manage your applications seamlessly, so you can focus on building the next big thing for your business.

Ready to get started?

Try Lyrid for free, and explore all the tools and services you need to transform and scale your business in the cloud.

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