Product Updates

What’s Coming in Lyrid 2.0 — Our Biggest Update Yet

Reinhard Wilmer
4 min
December 22, 2022
Reinhard Wilmer
4 min
December 22, 2022

Lyrid 2.0 Product Update: Deployment, Databases, and More!

We’re on a mission to make the cloud more accessible than ever before. That’s why we’re building a powerful platform that gives companies complete control over how they deploy applications in the cloud. 

Which brings us to an important point: the coming of Lyrid 2.0.

Lyrid 2.0 is a significant update that offers exciting new features, capabilities, and ease of use updates. On top of the updates themselves, Lyrid 2.0 also signals the beginning of more frequent updates to provide our customers, existing and new, with everything they need to step into the future of the cloud.

So, what’s new in Lyrid 2.0? Here’s what you need to know.

App Deployment Updates

Lyrid is proud to announce a series of updates related to app deployment. Each new feature focuses on providing an improved user experience and control over your ecosystem.

GitHub Integration

The Lyrid platform is now fully integrated with GitHub to handle application and service deployments. Users can now authorize a GitHub integration by logging into their GitHub account from the Lyrid platform and generating a secret key for Lyrid deployments, code updates, and other functionality.

This new integration streamlines the setup process and enhances the overall administration of the Lyrid platform.

Distributed Region Deployment

With the release of Lyrid Platform 2.0, Pro and Enterprise users have access to an application and microservices distributed region deployment using Lyrid clusters in three shared Kubernetes cluster regions: 

  1. San Francisco (uswest1)
  2. Jakarta (apsoutheast1)
  3. Frankfurt (eucentral1)

Lyrid uses a geolocation routing service depending on where the end-point or service is accessed. This new capability means end-users will access the service or application from their nearest Lyrid Kubernetes cluster.

Deploy Lyrid to a Specific Region Shared Cluster

In the previous iteration of the Lyrid platform, free app deployments were wrapped and deployed to Lyrid shared accounts in GCP, Azure, and AWS. 

However, we’ve updated free app deployments so that users can now choose a specific region for Lyrid-supported Kubernetes clusters to deploy their applications and services. 

Currently, Lyrid supports three shared Kubernetes cluster regions: 

  1. San Francisco (uswest1)
  2. Jakarta (apsoutheast1)
  3. Frankfurt (eucentral1)

Pro and Enterprise users can also deploy apps and services using this configuration.

Attach a Domain or DNS Name to the Website URL

You can now proxy the Lyrid endpoint to your domain name. This proxying is accomplished by inserting into the CNAME DNS record for your domain name. Now, your domain name will attach to the endpoint for a streamlined experience.

Single Instance Database Deployment

Lyrid free plan users can now access PostgreSQL and MinIO single instance databases for object storage. In addition, users get access to the database name, endpoint, password, and everything they need to build and test their applications. 

However, both are shared database instances, where the PostgreSQL database instance is hosted in three shared Kubernetes cluster regions: 

  1. San Francisco (uswest1)
  2. Jakarta (apsoutheast1)
  3. Frankfurt (eucentral1)

Be aware that the MinIO shared instance is only available in San Francisco (uswest1). Pro and Enterprise users can access their dedicated database and object storage instances. 

Cluster Updates

We’ve made significant updates to how clusters are managed and deployed. Let’s review some of our new updates to clusters.

Buy Machine Clusters Dynamically From the UI

A new, highly anticipated feature in Lyrid 2.0 is the ability to buy machine clusters dynamically from our user interface (UI) from Lyrid data center partners. 

Users can filter machine cluster options from data center providers based on cluster capabilities, location, region, bare metal, VMs, and other options to hone in on the perfect machines for your cluster.

Onboard Your Own Machines

A highly requested feature implemented in Lyrid 2.0 is the user's ability to onboard their own bare metal or VM machines, provision a Kubernetes cluster, and gain access to their config files, all through our user interface. You can now add your own local machine to your cluster for testing or even live purposes.

Improved Management of Kubernetes Clusters

Now, Lyrid users can manage onboarded Kubernetes clusters or newly purchased ones. Users can access cluster analytics, such as CPU or memory usage, and dynamically attach available different solutions or services into the cluster. 

In addition, users can enable auto-scaling features and dynamically increase loads during peak times.

Multiple Switchable Associated Accounts

Users can now switch between two separate accounts. For example, users might have access to their personal Lyrid account and the company account to manage company applications or machine clusters. 

This new, highly-requested feature was added to the platform to help developers and administrators work with multiple user accounts.

What’s Next? Current In-Progress Updates

We’re never done improving Lyrid; let’s look at what’s next for our platform.

Role-Based Access Management UI

Currently, role-based access management can only be managed in the backend using Lyrid’s user management service, Sheliak. However, in future implementations of the Lyrid platform, Lyrid admin accounts can manage or assign roles to associated Lyrid accounts through our UI.

Dedicated Database Instances and Additional Database Support

Currently, Lyrid only supports single instances of PostgreSQL and MinIO through our UI. Soon, Lyrid will be able to support MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, and Redis databases that can be provisioned dynamically through our UI. 

Additionally, Lyrid will enable user access to provision or buy a dedicated database instance that can be hosted by Lyrid in a single region or distributed. We’ll also allow users to buy a dedicated database or object storage instance, then dynamically attach it to their machine clusters through our UI. 

Lyrid 2.0 Commences Our New Update Cycle

Lyrid 2.0 showcases our commitment to advancing the industry, and it’s also the launch of our new development cycle. 

You can expect more frequent, meaningful updates to our platform as we continue to explore a cloud ecosystem without the vendor lock — one that is accessible to businesses of all sizes, regardless of their cloud provider.

Ready to learn more? Follow along to stay on top of the many exciting new features our talented team is developing.

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