
Reinventing the data center dynamics with managed cloud services with Lyrid

Handoyo Sutanto
5 minutes
August 29th, 2024
Handoyo Sutanto
5 minutes
August 29th, 2024

Leveraging the Power of Managed Cloud Services

Lyrid is a multi cloud solution offering a wide range of in-demand managed cloud services like managed Kubernetes and managed databases. Aimed at streamlining cloud native developments, Lyrid has become a go-to choice for many developers because of its accessible range of cost-effective automated solutions.

Lyrid is the brainchild of Handoyo Sutanto, a software engineer who spent 10+ years in the cloud computing space creating internal developer solutions. During his tenure, Handoyo noticed one crucial thing: resources with great potential were being wasted due to lack of access.

One of these resources is data center hardware.

Data center demand has been steadily rising due to innovations in sectors like cloud computing and AI. Hyperscalers are typically the ones to meet this demand, sidelining many regional data centers and leaving their hardware unused. For regions outside of popular service areas like the US and Europe, hyperscalers often charge prices that are inaccessible for a lot of developers, maintaining a high barrier to entry for innovation. In 2019, Handoyo started Lyrid to present a solution.

Offering Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and the tools to develop application backend efficiently, the Lyrid platform is aimed at improving developer efficiency through automation and managed services. With Lyrid, developers are able to automate backend tasks that cut into their core development time- including infrastructure setup, database management, and Kubernetes scaling, to name a few- reducing the amount of manual configuration tasks by 60%. 

Equipped with around-the-clock global engineering support, strong data security, prebuilt environment templates and SDKs, and so much more, Lyrid is the all-in-one cloud native development platform for all dev teams, working with public, private and hybrid clouds. But the true cherry on top is the Lyrid-data center-developer dynamic network.

The typical data center business model sees cloud vendors owning entire data centers, renting out equipment, networking power, and more to interested tenants. These cloud vendors offer their solutions hosted within data centers, creating a full-service, convenient cloud network. However, at the price of convenience, users become locked into the provider’s cloud environment because their solutions are too ingrained into it, subjecting them to any pricing and services changes seen fit. The threat of vendor lock-in is extremely prevalent: in a study done by Statista in 2022, it was found that 47% of respondents thought it was essential to avoid vendor lock-in.

Lyrid partners with regional data centers, acting as a liaison between the powerful hardware housed inside and end users. Through the Lyrid platform, users are able to access and deploy clusters hosted within said hardware. Once deployed, these clusters have the ability to be enhanced with solutions and plugins, both created by Lyrid and their partners and both accessible in the Lyrid Solution Marketplace. 

This dynamic between regional data centers, end users, and Lyrid and their partners creates a network that promotes growth for all parties, increasing revenue for data centers, Lyrid, and their solution partners, while providing uninterrupted hardware access and innovative cloud tech to end users. In addition, Lyrid end users enjoy the benefits of powerful cloud tech, without being locked-in to a singular provider ecosystem.

Lyrid’s data center-developer network isn’t just wishful thinking, too.

The company is currently partnering with a wide range of global data centers, from household names like Oracle to up-and-coming titans like American Cloud and OpenColo to even Indonesia’s leading ISP, BiznetGio Cloud. Solutions like the database offered by Lyrid’s latest partner, Percona, become part of Lyrid’s solution marketplace, creating new revenue streams for data center operators while increasing market reach for solution host companies.

Technology partners working directly with Lyrid have seen considerable increases to their development and cloud deployment speed, increases to cost savings (up to 60%), and have created new revenue streams and innovation initiatives with the help of Lyrid. A trend observed in every partnership scenario was satisfaction with Lyrid’s cloud agnostic approach, an approach that freed partners from overspending with cloud providers they were locked in with. 

Innovative cloud-agnostic tech mixed with a disruptive approach to data centers and tech distribution hasn’t gone unnoticed, with Lyrid raised $1.1 million in Pre-Seed funding back in 2022 from VCs like Plug and Play Ventures, ExpertDojo, Titan Angels, and more. The company moves onto their next round of funding, plans of global expansion have been set in motion, creating abundant revenue and growth opportunities.

"As we continue to expand globally, our focus remains on breaking barriers and unlocking innovation for developers everywhere. The next wave of cloud computing will be defined by flexibility, accessibility, and collaboration, and Lyrid is excited to lead the charge." – Handoyo Sutanto, Founder of Lyrid

Fresh capital will be put towards Lyrid’s global expansion plans, with the company identifying East Africa and Latin America as markets primed for impressive growth. Lyrid’s current markets, the United States and Southeast Asia, have already proven to be a successful venture for the company. Lyrid’s business in 2023 saw a 300% growth from the previous year, with this momentum showing no signs of slowing down. The company’s partnership with Biznet GioCloud alone has brought in 5x the amount of revenue since signing. Enthusiasm for Lyrid and Kubernetes tech has grown significantly due to community initiatives in Lyrid Indonesia and with Lyrid partners.

Join and partner with us as we look ahead to creating a sustainable cloud ecosystem that empowers developers, enhances regional data centers, and fosters innovation without borders. Our commitment to accessibility and efficiency ensures that the future of cloud computing is inclusive, scalable, and collaborative. Contact us at: for more information.

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