
Kubernetes Multi Cluster: A Limitless Approach to K8s

Tyler Au
8 minutes
October 17th, 2024
Tyler Au
8 minutes
October 17th, 2024

What is the Kubernetes Multi Cluster Approach?

Kubernetes can be approached from many different angles: from the humble single cluster approach to an extremely flexible multi cloud approach, deploying K8s is only limited by your imagination. One of the more popular takes on Kubernetes is the Kubernetes multi cluster approach, but what does that mean?

Kubernetes works by mobilizing clusters, or a group of nodes that operate and run containerized applications, to execute tasks. Consisting of at least one worker node and a control plane to pull the strings, clusters are a core part of the Kubernetes machine, attributing itself to app operations. However, a single cluster is only capable of handling so much within a workflow.

In the never-ending search for flexibility and scalability, users will often take on the task of onboarding and managing multiple clusters. As the name suggests, multi cluster Kubernetes is simply having multiple (two or more) clusters within a Kubernetes environment, with this aspect being the most glaring distinction between a single and multi cluster approach. Besides this, the multi cluster approach employs workload balancing and orchestration tools to streamline cluster management. Clusters continue to operate independently in this approach.

With multiple clusters, the prospects of limitless Kubernetes is suddenly not just a thing of imagination. 

Kubernetes Multi Cloud Architecture 

In most cases, a multi cluster Kubernetes environment follows one of two architectures: 

  • Replicated Architecture: A replicated approach sees entire applications, including all of its necessary parts and services, becoming replicated and deployed across multiple clusters. These clusters are run parallel to one another, creating redundancy and a failsafe in case one cluster experiences outages.
  • Split-by-service Architecture: Split-by-service refers to clusters hosting different services or parts of an app, making that single responsible for operation

The use cases per architecture largely depend on what your team and project values. If you’re looking for an architecture that heavily supports backups and uptime at the expense of some speed, a replicated approach is the one for you. On the other hand, if you want a highly agile take on Kubernetes that supports service isolation and faster development speeds, splitting by service could be an option for you.

Regardless of your option, the Kubernetes multi cluster architecture you choose must be configured in a way that can support clusters both entering and leaving.

Multi Cluster Kubernetes Benefits

Like a multi cloud Kubernetes approach, multi cluster Kubernetes offers users strong benefits relating to flexibility, security, and so much more. Some of these benefits include:

Increased Scalability and Flexibility

As mentioned previously, limitless Kubernetes is no longer a thing of imagination. Having multiple clusters at your disposal enables organizations to customize their deployment to a greater, more tailored degree. Whether multi cloud, hybrid cloud, or strictly on-premise work for you, multi cluster Kubernetes lets you choose any deployment and helps you stay flexible. Depending on your approach, multi cluster Kubernetes lets you leverage the power of multiple service providers while avoiding vendor lock

In the grand scheme of your K8s deployment, Kubernetes clusters are a powerful part of Kubernetes, responsible for many of the integral functions that the container orchestrator is known for. However, clusters are limited by how much they’re able to handle. A multi cluster Kubernetes approach allows you to scale greater, optimizing both your resource utilization and allocation. A Kubernetes multi cluster load balancer ensures that scaling for each of these clusters is sustainable, making sure that no resources are wasted while enabling your deployment to onboard more tasks.

Strong Security and Preventative Measures

Kubernetes security itself already hosts a variety of preventative measures and failsafe. From automated backups and health checks, to auditing and even dedicated control plane protection, Kubernetes is able to protect itself competently. This same essence of security extends itself to Kubernetes clusters.

Users are able to inject security policies and access controls for individual clusters. When coupled with the volume of multiple clusters, the result is an ultra secure environment. This multi cluster environment also enjoys the benefits of automated cluster failovers (thus increasing uptime) and increased redundancy and backups, depending on your approach. Move workloads securely with multiple Kubernetes clusters at your disposal. 

A multi cluster Kubernetes approach also makes global security compliance easier to achieve, letting you meet global regulations, data policies, and much more just by having a multi cluster presence. 

Tenant and Service Isolation

Have you ever had a neighbor that won’t stop butting into your business? Any packages you get become their business, same with guests. The same thing happens within the tech space as well.

301 Spying Neighbor Stock Video Footage - 4K and HD Video Clips |  Shutterstock

A common occurrence when working with a single Kubernetes environment is something known as the “nosy neighbor”. Applications in the same environment often share hardware and software resources, reducing the overall impact that both have for their apps.

Creating multiple Kubernetes environments and deploying multiple clusters has tons of benefits towards this problem. For one, clusters no longer have to share resources within their respective environments, increasing computing power. Users are also able to assign different services to different clusters, ensuring that no overlap occurs during the development and deployment process. 

Besides resource saving, isolated clusters increase fault tolerance, allowing security issues to be self-contained and easily identifiable. With uses also extending to streamlined testing and experimentation, versioning, and so much more, deploying multiple Kubernetes clusters represents one of the service’s biggest strengths. 

Multi Cluster Kubernetes Challenges

There’s always two sides to a coin, multi cluster Kubernetes is no different. For every powerful benefit the approach provides the user, there are also challenges that must be overcome, some of which include:

Configuration and Management Complexity

There’s a common saying: “More money, more problems”: multi cluster Kubernetes certainly applies.

While having more clusters can certainly solve issues with resource utilization and scaling, managing this new set is a whole different challenge. Not only is your team responsible for management, but also setting up security protocols for each cluster, increasing observability, and ensuring that automation works within workloads, just to name a few. In fact, a difficult aspect for management is establishing a strong Kubernetes multi cluster communication network.

Luckily, a plethora of tools and services are available in order to evolve your Kubernetes multi cluster setup. Lyrid Managed Kubernetes is one of them, able to deliver the benefits of a multi cluster approach, without the headache of underlying management!

Security Issues

Despite security controls being available on a granular cluster level, configuring access controls per cluster is extremely difficult and becomes more complex as more clusters are onboarded. Installation isn’t necessarily the problem, however consistent configuration across multiple clusters while remaining compliant can become a challenge depending on the amount of clusters deployed.

Potential for High Costs

This goes without saying, but onboarding more clusters may cost more. Where you might truly experience price hikes is with resource utilization.

Depending on your project, multiple clusters might not be necessary. Onboarding more clusters may consume more resources than needed to execute a certain task. Even worse, underutilizing these clusters and having them become stagnant will cost you down the line for non-performing assets.

Kubernetes Multi Cluster Management Principles and Tools

Organizations typically approach multi cluster Kubernetes management in one of two ways:

  • Kubernetes-Centric: an approach that utilized Kubernetes-native tools to manage multiple clusters. A Kubernetes-centric approach sees multi cluster management through a single control plane instead of individual cluster control planes, providing a single management interface. 
  • Network-centric: The network-centric approach connects clusters through a network layer, using tools like service meshes and load balancer on top of preconfigured cluster networking to establish communication and distribute traffic

Your approach to management will depend on the tools and services that you plan on using. Some of the best tools for this job include:

Service Mesh

A service mesh is a layer within your infrastructure dedicated to orchestrating service communication in microservices architectures. Due to the scaling nature of multiple clusters, a service mesh is an extremely valuable asset in any multi cluster deployment.

For many of the challenges that multi cluster Kubernetes presents, having a competent service mesh addresses them competently: 

  • Management Complexity: Service meshes offer enhanced observability through detailed logging, tracing, and monitoring capabilities.
  • Traffic Distribution: One part of multi cluster management is having a competent traffic controller. A service mesh encourages communication between clusters with strong service discovery while coordinating traffic distribution and load balancing between clusters to improve uptime. Kubernetes multi cluster service discovery is extremely important in establishing fast communication as well.
  • Security Issues: Service meshes are able to establish consistent security configurations and policies across clusters, keeping them compliant.

UI Tools

One of the tools within our multi cluster Kubernetes loadout is Lens!

Lens by Mirantis is an integrated development environment (IDE) able to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters within a single interface. Through a simple graphic user interface (GUI), users are able to build on clusters without complication, accessing other features like:

  • Enhanced visualization and navigation
  • Direct cloud integration
  • Strong security like image scanning

And much, much more! In fact, Lens just rolled out a new update this past October.

Announcing Lens 2024
Image courtesy of Mirantis

With companies like NVIDIA, Microsoft, Disney using Lens for their Kubernetes operations, utilizing this tool within a multi cluster deployment is a no-brainer.

Managed Kubernetes Services

One of the most reliable ways to manage clusters on a large scale is through a managed Kubernetes service.

In itself, Kubernetes is hard to manage. Through countless hours of figuring out configuration, security, deployment, and more, IT teams might finally be able to launch Kubernetes, but how will it hold up? Add on the complexity of multiple clusters, refining native Kubernetes features, and more, and you have a problem on your hands.

Managed Kubernetes services handle many of the pesky tasks that might bother a development team, letting them focus on their core development tasks. In the realm of multi cluster management, managed Kubernetes is extremely adept. Some of these services greatest features for this practice include: 

  • Automated load balancing
  • Enhanced observability, monitoring, and visualization
  • Automated health checks and backups

And more!

Outside of just managing clusters, managed Kubernetes is a great service for any team looking to get started with Kubernetes, but don’t quite have the team ready to develop yet. We always like to say that using managed Kubernetes is like using Kubernetes and accessing all the benefits, but without the headache.

Manage Multiple Kubernetes Clusters with Lyrid

For companies seeking increased flexibility and scalability, a multi cluster Kubernetes approach is the way to go. While the benefits are certainly undeniable, challenges lie within the actual configuration and management of these clusters. Especially when it comes to Kubernetes clusters, handling something so scalable on such a large scale can become overwhelming. What was once a solution to orchestrating containers quickly became a weeklong headache.

Enter Lyrid Managed Kubernetes.

As previously mentioned, using managed Kubernetes is like using Kubernetes but without the headache involved. That’s precisely the experience that Lyrid Managed Kubernetes offers. 

Through Lyrid Managed Kubernetes, teams are able to make the most of their multi cluster deployment, letting Lyrid handle the infrastructure and backend while they’re able to focus on core development. Through our service, you’re able to access features such as:

  • Resource auto scaling and optimization
  • Single Kubernetes multi cluster dashboard
  • App and marketplace integration
  • Streamlined provisioning
  • Enhanced visualization and observability

And all of the other benefits of a traditional Kubernetes multi cluster deployment!, all at a fraction of the cost.

To learn more, book a demo with one of our product specialists, we would be happy to help!

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