
How We Built The Lyrid Team

Jennifer Fuentes
3 minutes
May, 20 2022
Jennifer Fuentes
3 minutes
May, 20 2022

A year ago in Lyrid, we only had three full-time employees. After a while, everything started to snowball, and it was becoming difficult to operate as a company. We knew it was time to expand and expand quickly.  We understood that each person you add to a team - especially in a startup, could have a significant impact from day one.

Our goal was to hire quickly and build a team efficient enough to handle marketing and engineering workloads. As we built the team, it became more important than ever to lay successful foundations while nurturing the cultural values Lyrid envisioned for a promising future. 

Fast-forward a year. We are now a team of 23 employees—focused on nothing but growth. Each member of the team brings a different perspective to the company, which allows Lyrid to incorporate innovative ideas and practical solutions to problems that arise. 

At Lyrid, we believe that helping employees grow and pursue their passion is essential for continual development. After learning how each team member functions, we discovered that we could improve and grow through collaboration and project ownership. Essentially, Lyrid wants to give each team member independence to do what they think is best. We also provide guidance and support for employees in developing what is most effective. 

Our Hiring Process

Since the beginning, Lyrid has tried to have more diversity by encouraging everyone to apply. We look to build a team that shares similar qualities and includes an innovative perspective to promote change. 

Our hiring process includes looking for three traits in employees.  

Enthusiasm: We look for individuals who show an enthusiasm for learning. We believe that this quality is crucial during the hiring process, as we don’t expect applicants to have all the answers or know everything. That is why we want a person who is enthusiastic about learning new things and expanding their knowledge and skills. 

Leadership: As a company, Lyrid encourages employees to work on projects by themselves. This allows each team member to put their full attention, creativity, and dedication into one project at a time. We believe that by having leadership, each employee will be able to tackle these problems successfully. 

Responsibility: Lyrid wants you to succeed. That is why we trust our team, regardless of their position, to take on projects by themselves- without needing to be monitored throughout the entire process. That is why we seek a responsible individual who will be able to take on the project themselves primarily and of course, ask for guidance whenever needed.

Our Team

At Lyrid, we like to hire individuals who have extraordinary skills. Therefore, when searching for new hires, we focus on individuals with the passion and skills needed to be effective at Lyrid rather than degrees or certifications. In addition, we explore the talent of people who possess different backgrounds and like to promote the opportunity to college students who have innovative perspectives.

Lyrid is a firm believer in supporting college students. We currently have two marketing interns and two engineering interns who have supported Lyrid since the beginning. As a company, we are eager for them to continue their professional journey with us after graduation. 

Getting To Know Each Other

As a remote startup company, Lyrid has begun implementing activities and sessions that will allow the team to get comfortable with one another. By doing so, Lyrid believes that a united team will perform best and allow for personal and professional growth. 

That is why Lyrid began implementing monthly hang-out sessions where employees receive $25 in UberEats credit, and the team hangs out, eats, and plays online games like and Topia. These sessions have one sole purpose for our team: to have fun and disconnect from their daily tasks.  

At Lyrid, we understand that working from home can be difficult. That is why we want to get feedback from our team to see how we can help create an environment that allows everyone to get to know each other in a personal and professional manner that will enable them to feel comfortable with one another.  

Challenges as a Remote Company

While Lyrid has improved in multiple aspects, we continue to face challenges, but we aim to make the necessary changes to improve as a company. Lyrid prioritizes communication above other factors as it allows us to build a connection with our team. We value effective communication as it builds trust and improves the teams' ability to share ideas and implement innovative perspectives for a project. 

Lyrid has recently partnered with Paychex to provide employees with the necessary benefits when working remotely. Our goal is to provide the Lyrid Team with the benefits that will make their journey with us as effective as possible. Lyrid understands that it is difficult to have a team that resides in different parts of the world; that is why we provide them with the necessary flexibility to achieve productivity and guide their ambition as professionals. 

What’s Next?

With our ambition towards growing, Lyrid wants to support and enrich employees to enjoy working remotely. We want to encourage our team to celebrate the milestones we achieve and for our team to be excited to follow Lyrid’s mission. We believe that our employees are our best way to create change effectively. That is why we encourage them to include their innovative perspectives and ideas to guide personal development while creating a new vision of what Lyrid is. 

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